I know it has been awhile since I have added to our blog. Sorry! I have thought a lot about it but just haven't had a lot of time to sit down and do it. I am going to try to be better. Anyway, I have been having a number of different thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc going through me lately. The last few days I have really tried to be more aware of all those little things that make me happy. Here are a few I thought I would share, in no particular order.
1- I got a new (well, for me it's new) washer for free after mine quit working about 2 months ago.
2- I found the whole set of the Little House on the Praire books at DI for less than $5. They are my favorite books from growing up and I have wanted to get them to read and share with Rylee.
3- We (Mike & I and others from our ward) have started playing volleyball again once a week. I love it! and have missed playing.
4- Getting to make a cheesecake today for a shower, not only because I love to bake but cheesecake reminds me of my brother Brandon. (more about him in another post)
5- Finishing our CERT (Community Emercengy Response Team) class and surviving our mock disaster. Mike & I have been taking this 7 week course which has been very informative, but somewhat time consuming for us. I am grateful the class was offered here for us.
6- That Jenna is potty trained. She has been since December, but I had the "oppurtunity" to change other kids diapers a few times recently and I realized how nice it is not to. Thanks Jenna!
7- Flowers! I planted bulbs for the first time in the fall and I now have daffodils and tulips in my yard that are so cheery! (when they are not covered by snow, which is hopefully over with)
These are just a few of the little things. There are also a number of big things I am grateful for.
1-My family! Mike and the kids, my parents and siblings, my in laws and extended family!
2- My friends, you know who you are and I don't know what I would do without you. Thanks for everything!
3- Mike! Working so hard so I can stay home with our crazy little family.
This list could go on and on, but I am starting to get teary and can't see to well. I just hope we can all spend a few minutes each day and reflect on how blessed we are. I know for me the last few days hae seemed a little better, a little easier to get through because I have been more focused on what I have not what I don't have.