Sunday, January 06, 2008

Pics of my brother

Here are a couple of pics of my brother after his surgery. They went in above his eye to repair the fracture and even put in a titanium plate. He is feeling lots better and just taking it easy at home. We are soooooo glad he is ok.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad he is okay. I have been thinking about him a lot.

Anonymous said...

President Eyring recently shared his goal to be better at recognizing God's kindness in our lives...this is one of those moments. I, too, am glad he is okay. It looks like they did a great job fixing him up. Once he heals you might not even see an indication. Phew! That was a close call.

Rachel said...

He'll never be able to go through an airport again without sending the alarm off, that should be fun.

I'm glad he is ok, perhaps constructions isn't the best profession for him?