Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My Husband

Another friend did this on her blog and I thought it sounded like fun. Anyone else who wants should fill us in on your husbands as well.

What is his name? Mike
How long have you been together? Married 12 yearsHow long did you date? We dated off and on for over 4 years. I was in high school when we met then he would be gone all summer to CA and then I went to school in ID for a year while he was here in UT, so it was a lot of phone calls and letters. I miss the long talks on the phone and the “love” letters. The only reason we went out in the first place was to shut all the neighbors up who kept teasing us about going out. We figured if we went out they would leave us alone. We didn’t really start hanging out and dating until 6 months after that first date.
Who eats more? It depends on what it is. Probably overall Mike eats more, he just doesn’t look like it.
Who said "I love you" first? I honestly cannot remember, how sad is that? I will have to ask Mike and update you later.
Who is taller? Depends on who you ask. But really I am a little taller than he is.
Who is smarter? I think it depends on what it is. Mike definitely has me beat in the math area. I like to think I know more about science stuff (at least health sciences) but Mike is pretty smart in that area as well. Street smarts is not me, oh well.
Who does the laundry? I do. Mike always did his own wash until we got married and I took over. I guess I shouldn’t have been so anxious to do that job and maybe he would still do it. He does help fold sometimes (if you count laying on the bed in the middle of the laundry helping ;-)).
Who does the dishes? Lately it has become more of a joint effort. He likes to rinse but hates loading the dishwasher. The boys are in charge of emptying the dishwasher.
Who sleeps on the right? Mike
Who pays the bills? Another joint effort: He makes the money and I manage the money and “pay” the bills.
Who mows the lawn? The lawncare boys. Mike use to mow ours as well as the neighbors until he got “fired” by the neighbor. Then we had the neighbors newly hired lawn boy mow ours as well. He got fired by the neighbor too but we kept him, he does a good job. Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner, but Mike makes the best breakfasts!
Who drives when you are together? Mike.
Who is more stubborn? Neither one of us is more stubborn, actually I don’t either of us are stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first, but I was glad he finally did. He can actually tell you the exact date, which for someone who forgets anniversaries and birthdays is pretty good.
Who asked who out first? Neither, like I said earlier we just kind of agreed to go.
Who proposed? Mike. In San Francisco and it was awesome, even though he forgot the ring.
Who has more siblings? Me-6, Mike-4

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