Friday was the big day...She didn't seem too nervous, but I was STRESSING!!! I knew she would do great and was pretty sure she would make it, but what if...What if she didn't, what if she was devastated, what if I had to comfort her....Being a mom is so hard sometimes. They didn't allow parents in the building at all during tryouts and I was stressing! Mike told me to chill. He said "She is cool like me" in competitions. It's a good thing she is more like her dad in that way. She texted me when she was done and she felt good about her tryout but she had fallen on her tumbling pass. She said she got a little too much momentum and did her round off, back handspring, back tuck fine but after she landed it she fell on her butt. She was fine, just a little sore. She was the first to try out and so she had to wait for a couple hours to find out. I was waiting and waiting for her call and when it finally came all I could hear was excited screaming. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders...I was so excited to be celebrating with her rather than comforting her this time!
So now the "fun" begins. I have some experience with the stress, time consumption, and money draining aspects of cheer leading because of gymnastics, but it will be an experience! I am looking forward to watching her learn and try new things. I am looking forward to watching her grow even more. My sister said Rylee was born to be a cheer leader, I think she may be right! She is so full of energy and enthusiasm. She is happy and kind and beautiful (inside and out). People are drawn to her! She is a hard worker and will be an asset to the SDJH cheer squad! Rylee we love you and are so proud of the young woman you have become.
Here is a cute picture of Ry
Here is one of Ry and her cousin, Eliza, performing one of their "Delozier family get together" dances. Every time our family is all together the girls choreograph and perform a dance for the family. I think all that time and effort has paid off. It will be really fun to for them when their Jr Highs play against each other. (Ry may have to cheer for both teams during girls basketball season)