Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools

My boys have been planning an April Fools prank (with the help of Noah's teacher) for quite some time. They wanted to trade places for the day and see how many of their classmates noticed. The original plan was to inform Cole's teacher as well, but they decided to trick her too. I thought for sure she would notice first thing since she was Cole's second grade teach too. They said only a few kids in each class noticed but instead of spilling the beans got in on the action. After about 1/2 an hour Noah's teacher asked her class if they noticed the "new" student today. Cole said about 1/3 of the class raised their hands. Then she went to Cole's class and asked his teacher if she noticed her "new" student. I guess she was a little confused for a minute then noticed Cole out in the hall. I am glad they had fun pulling their first prank, but it worries me what they might try next....

I worked all day today and when I walked in the door (very tired) Jenna said Rylee's crying. My first thought was April Fools...When I looked at her she had tears streaming down her face and looked so scared. When I asked her what was wrong she handed me this:

It's a note from her band teacher telling me she has been disrupting class, having a disrespectful attitude, not paying attention, etc etc. It says she has a D- for her academic grade and a U for her citizenship. Then he wrote that we need to have a conference ASAP! I was shocked! I asked her what happened, what had she done? She just kept crying and said to look at the next page, on which her teacher had written : Ha Ha April Fools!

She got me good!!!


Unknown said...

I put food coloring in the bottom of my kids cups for dinner without them seeing. Then when I poured their milk it turned blue- they were freaking out. It was pretty funny.

Christy Woolston said...

That is a good prank. Nothing like having a twin to pull the wool over your eyes.

Rylee's prank was pretty good too. I would have totally fallen for that one.

Way to be creative kiddos!

Mary said...

My twin nieces have gotten in trouble on more than one occasion for "trading places" in school- and not just on April Fools.

Good one, Rylee!