Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Funerals bring Faith and Family

Yesterday was the funeral for my sister in law, Gayle. It was a nice service, I learned some new things about my sweet, quiet sister in law. I felt the spirit so strong. It's kind of strange that funerals tend to strengthen my faith and testimony of my Savior. I guess they make you think on more of an eternal level and ponder more spiritual aspects of life. They also bring family close (physically and emotionally). It was great to spend time with everyone who came from CA that we don't see often enough: my sister in law, Cheryl; my niece, Jacque and her husband and baby; my niece, Ashley and her husband and dog; Aunt Steve and Uncle Susie; and cousins. There are also a lot who live here in Utah who we don't see enough either. It's nice to get updated on everyone's busy lives and to feel their love and support. Though I may "enjoy" funerals, I am hoping to not attend any for quite a while.

Here is a picture of Jenna with Lucy, Ashley and Brett's baby. Jenna LOVES Lucy! and loves when she comes to visit from CA.

Here is Jenna with Maggie, Jacque and Mike's cute little girl. The kids all swarm around her when she visits. She is so sweet and so happy! (even with too much attention)

Here is Rylee with Heidi, Kevin & Gayle's older of 2 girls.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad the funeral went well. I was thinking of your whole family. I know the anniversary of Brandon's death is coming up. I love you and your family is lucky to have you!