Thursday, September 29, 2011


So that first night in Vegas we went to a bread class that a friend of Sara's teaches. I love to bake (and think I am pretty good), but have always been afraid of bread. I have tried a few times but it seems like SO much work and then it never turned out very good, so I gave up. This class was amazing!!! She taught us one recipe and how to use it in countless ways. It made me excited to try bread again, so yesterday I did. It was SO easy and quick (in an hour I had a loaf of bread and a batch of cinnamon rolls and my kitchen all cleaned up)! My bread and cinnamon rolls looked and tasted awesome! Later that night I made another batch of dough and made another loaf of bread and pizza poppers for dinner. It was just as easy and turned out just as tasty! I don't think I will be buying bread much anymore. My next bread adventure is to try using part wheat flour in the recipe....

1 comment:

Anna said...

Carly you have to share the recipe! I also make doorstop bread loaves, meaning they're literally as hard as a doorstop!