Tuesday, April 19, 2011


has been on my mind lately...I was looking through some old pictures of the kids like the one here and pondering how fast time flies. My kids are growing up and I am worried about the time I have wasted or the time lost with them. I think the last 2 or 3 years (while I was going to school) I have missed out on some valuable time with my kids and Mike. I know going to school was the right thing for me and our family and I am so grateful I made it through, but I am feeling a bit guilty lately. I think there are lots of little things that have happened or that I have noticed that are causing these feelings. I know I need to get over it and make the time now so I don't feel that way again in a few years. I like sitting and talking with my kids one on one or taking them individually to do something fun. I have been reading to Jenna each night and enjoying the few minutes alone with her. Last night I sat and talked to my boys for almost an hour about life. They made me cry and laugh and I loved it! I think they enjoyed it too, they didn't want me to go do other things after, they wanted to keep talking. I have been picking Rylee up from school each day lately and enjoy the few minutes with her to find out how her day went and what is going on at school, with her friends, with boys, etc. A few people have asked me how I like my schedule and working nights and they are usually surprised when I say I love it. I am a bit more tired and it can be hard to stay awake or feel like I have energy to do some things around the house, but I am home when my kids come home from school and we get to have dinner together as a family before I leave. I know it's better for me to be here for my kids, especially the ages they are right now. They need their mom and I like that my schedule allows that more than working everyday. I love my kids, more than life itself, and I am trying to be the best mom I can. I pray for them (and me) each day and look forward to all our time to come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carly you are such a good mom. You are the most patient person I know and so loving. They are so lucky and they know it. Don't ever worry about not being good enough.