Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Boys Are 8!

Cole & Noah just a couple months ago
Cole & Noah at just a couple of weeks old

Where has the time gone? I can't believe my boys are 8 years old and almost 50 pounds. (They were both 5'7" when born at 37 weeks) I can still remember the shock I felt as soon as I saw 2 heads on the ultrasound. Mike & I both were so overwhelmed with the idea of adding 2 little ones to our little family. How would we do it?... We recieved lots of advice from many sources: other parents of twins, doctors, friends, and family. I think the best advice we received was to keep them on the same schedule! Everyone kept telling us if you can make it through the first year you will be fine. I felt a big relief when they were about 6 months old. They quit nursing, could eat other food, slept through the night, could "play" with each other...Definitely uphill from there. Each stage of life they change and grow so much. And each stage has the good and the bad, and some even have the ugly, but not too much of that. They are sooooo much the same and sooooo different at the same time. They are both sweet, fun boys. They love cars, hot wheels, legos, bikes, building things, coloring, going to school, collecting "treasures", and hanging out with their dad. Cole is a little more sensitive, Noah a little more aggressive. Cole is a lefty, Noah is right handed. They are each others best friends or worst enemy depending on the moment. Luckily it is rarely the latter. We are sooooo glad they came together to join our family....What would we do without them? Life would not be the same! We love you Cole & Noah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe they are 8 already! Time goes by so quickly.