Saturday, July 22, 2006

Parade & Fireworks

Shannon (mike's sister's daughter), Jenna, & Rylee watching the fireworks.

Cole, Mike, & Noah enjoying all the cool cars in the parade! The boys are so into cars right now and what kind they are and what year they were made, etc. Everywhere we go they point out cars to me or ask me if I know what kind they are.

Rylee, Shannon, Cole, Noah, Jenna, Ava(she lives in our basement with her mom Julie), Julie, & Becca (julie's sister)

In Utah July 24th is a big holiday, Pioneer Day. They have a big parade in Salt Lake on the 24th and Bountiful usually does their parade the day before. Since that falls on Sunday this year they had it lastnight (21st). We go every year with Mike's family. Lastnight before the parade started one of the MC's was playing games with the kids,etc for prizes. They were playing Simon Says and I think it was lasting too long. All of a sudden we heard the guy say he had a prize for anyone who had a mohawk (our kids were right there in front playing the games with eveyrone else) and then he said something about the 2 kids who had mohawks and wanted to know who their barber was. The boys were so excited they each got a 10 pack of "Hot Wheels". Then Rylee came over and showed she us she had won a Disney CD. Then she went back over to where they were giving prizes. They had kids singing songs to get prizes and we heard someone singing YMCA and Mike & I both said that kind of sounds like Ry. Well, it was and she got an Eyeore figure. She was so excited because Eyeore is her best friend Daisy's favorite and it says something about friends on it so she gave it to Daisy.
Anyway, the parade was fun, it was just really hot! We went to Mike's sister's after the parade to BBQ and then watch fireworks. The kids all had a great time!

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