Friday, November 03, 2006

Funny Kids

Sometimes the kids say the funniest things and crack us up! A lot of times, especially lately, it happens at dinner. We all share our best and worst part of the day and the kids love it. Some days they want to go first because they are so excited to tell, other times they have to really think about what they want to share. The other night Noah was so excited to tell his best part (he didn't have a worst that day). This is what he said was his best part of the day: "Chasing the girls at 2nd and last recess." And he said it with a huge smile on his face. We asked what he did if he caught them and he said nothing. Rylee wanted to know if he kissed them like she use to do when she caught boys at recess. He said no way! Mike keeps telling the boys that girls have cooties and the only way to catch them is to kiss them so I think we are ok with them for now at least. Mike & I were laughing so hard!

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