Friday, January 08, 2010

One Week Into A New Year

and I have not accomplished a whole lot. The kids went back to school on Monday. I worked. I had a sleepover with some of my girls from school. I watched a few movies. I ate too much. I worked. I found out Rylee gets to get braces (which means we get to pay for braces). I scheduled lots of doctors and dentists appointments (just check ups and the like since it is a new year). I have just been pretty lazy. I am not ready for school to start for me again this next week. I did get my house cleaned today and helped a friend out. It looks like Mike & I are getting a date night with some friends tonight. I am hoping with school starting next week I will be forced to get into a good schedule and life will run smoothly and not be too crazy for the next few months. We shall see...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You brought me some marvelous cookies too! love ya