Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Little Vacation

So, I had my finals last Monday and then Mike & I left early Wed. morning for TX. Our favorite band, WEEN, was playing and we had buddy passes so we went. The kids spent a couple days with my parents and a couple days with Mike's parents so they all had a great time too and we didn't have to worry about them.
Since we were flying standby we had to leave really early (4 a.m.) and ended up getting there by way of LAX and 3 different flights. We didn't care as long as we got there. We went to Houston first and saw WEEN play, the next day we spent a few hours in Galveston driving around, eating seafood, & swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. Then we drove the few hours to Austin where we spent the rest of the trip. We ate BBQ, saw WEEN again, hid in the hotel with AC away from the humidity, etc. It was nice to just relax and not really have anything to do or anywhere we had to be. I even read a book, a novel, I can't remember the last time I read a book just to read and enjoy. We were having such a great time we decided to stay an extra day, beside the flights looked a little more open on Sunday. We had to leave really early again as well as go on 3 different flights to get home. This time we went through Oakland, Mike's old stomping grounds. His best friend from growing up, Jeff, still lives in Livermore. He picked us up at the airport and we went to lunch with him & his wife, and we got to meet there 2 week old son, Colin. Then we had to go back to the airport and barely made it on our flight home. (lovely CA traffic) Anyway, we had a wonderful, fun trip.

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