Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Day After

We are surviving the day after surgery. Jenna has been hanging out on my bed watching movies, playing games, making necklaces, reading books, and eating. She is being a real trooper. I think it helped telling her that she has to be real good today so that we can go to the annual Bountiful 23rd Parade.

Here she is surrouned by all her fun quiet things to do.

Here she is showing off both missing teeth. I forgot to post about how she lost the second tooth in 2 days. The first just came out and the second was pulled out by the anesthesiologist. He asked about any looose teeth before he put her out and told us he may have to pull them (she had 3) if they get in the way of the breathing tube. He saved the one for us and Jenna was very excited when she found out she had another tooth to leave for the tooth fairy.


Sara B said...

We are so happy that everything went well and that she is okay. Wish we could be there to help keep her company.

Tiffany said...

You guys have been in our prayers...I am so glad things went well! Liah would love to come for a short visit when she is up to it.