Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Preschool Graduation

Today was Jenna's preschool graduation, I cannot believe it. My baby is five and done with preschool. She loved her teacher and all her friends at preschool and I know she will miss them (most of them she will still see) and all the fun activities she enjoyed at school. Until recently she was not excited about going to kindergarten but now cannot wait. She keeps asking when she gets to go. This may make for a long summer. Today I also took her to her 5 year well child check (yes that included getting 4 shots). The Dr. said she is growing and strong and already for kindergarten. There was only one concern, a heart murmur. He never noticed it before and he wants her to see a pediatric cardiologist for further tests. He didn't seem too concerned and I am hoping that means there is a good chance it won't be too much to worry about. I scheduled her appointment as soon as we got home and now have to wait a month to find out. In the meantime I will be doing some research on heart murmurs so that I am informed and prepared for whatever they say.

1 comment:

Sara B said...

Happy graduation Jenna!